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+1 (760) 274-0019
After searching extensively for a trainer for my 3 huskies I found Gallardos_k9s and Anthony is hands down the best trainer I could’ve work with.
My almost 3yr old girl Sky was one with very few but specific triggers that would set off her reactivity due to the lack of socialization at an early age. Anthony has helped Sky and myself learn a ton which has allowed Sky to progress through her reactivity and recall!
Maze is my other husky girl who is 16 months old. This girl was a nightmare to walk, she would make any walk, hike, adventure so unpleasant, she even made me doubt my self if we were the right family for her but I wasn’t gonna give up on her. Anthony has given me all the tools I need to get the most of Maze, and knowing Anthony is always there if I need help or advise is wonderful.
Maky has struggled with severe reactivity and stubbornness since he was a puppy. He would see a dog 100+ feet away and would go absolutely out of control, the dog would become his main focus no matter what I’ll do. Now I can say that Maky can finally walk pass or have walks with other dogs without loosing it.
Training with Anthony has been a life changing experience for my dogs and my family, we can go to hikes, fun places or even just to walk around the neighborhood without having any unpleasant moments. I can also leave them at home in “place “or in their “crate” without any worries about them destroying my furniture or getting into something that can harm them.
I highly recommend Gallardos_k9s to anyone who is motivated to have a better relationship with their dog, and wants the best training around.
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